North Lodge - Kingston Pen


Tours one Tour

Situated as the only entrance to Kingston Penitentiary the North Lodge is a simple, elegant, neo-classical structure. It consists of a large central arched entranceway with two smaller arched pedestrian walkways to either side. It was designed and constructed to act as the contact point between the institution and the surrounding community. 

The North Lodge is one of the best examples of a structure associated with the theme of law enforcement and the manner in which society treats the lawbreaker. The convict’s entry and later exit via the North Lodge marked the official beginning and end of the sentence imposed upon them.

During the riots of 1932, 1954, and 1971, the North Lodge figured prominently in the administration’s attempts to bring order to the institution. During the 1971 riots the North Lodge was used as a command centre by the authorities when most other buildings where under the control of the inmates.

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