How to Come Up With a Good Title for an Essay: 10 Tips

If you have an essay assignment to write but no topic, you first want to come up with one. However, choosing a topic is arguably the most confusing part of writing an essay; there will be a lot of sifting and ruling out. You can choose a proper heading for essay by generating ideas; this represents the most creative and least methodical step in essay writing. Keep reading to find out how to come up with a good title for an essay.

Proven Techniques on How to Head an Essay

Your tutor or professor won’t always give you an essay topic; instead, they’ll leave the choice in your hands. Below are ideas and techniques on how to title an essay:

  • Understand the Assignment: First, you want to ensure you understand your assignment. That includes knowing the essay length and when you’re to submit, and whether or not the essay is related to your classwork. Also, you want to know if you need to do research and what challenges you may face.
  • Talk to Someone: You can talk out ideas with your professor, teacher, friend, or fellow student and borrow their minds for a while. Two heads are better than one. Talking to others can give you ideas you may never have considered.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Gather as many topics as you can, research, and form notes on them. You may also combine related ideas and draw connections to formulate an essay heading.
  • Write Anything: This is another type of brainstorming but less reflective, and it works faster. Come up with a broad, random topic and write on it for a couple of minutes, at least, without pausing. Read what you wrote when you’re done writing; try identifying useful ideas from the exercise.

10 Tips on How to Make a Good Essay Title

There are millions of ideas for essay topics and settling for just one gets pretty confusing. Below are helpful tips on how to come up with titles for essays:

  1. Consider your interests, what excites you, and what topic you will enjoy researching.
  2. Consult scholarly articles and books you have particular interests in; check if they suggest any areas you can develop into essay topics.
  3. Understand that not every idea has enough information online concerning it. Therefore, before settling for that topic, you want to check that resources are available and how accessible they are. There’s no fun in traveling miles to get resources for an essay.
  4. Consider if you know two or more academic authors who have disagreed in print and if you can write an essay to weigh their disagreement.
  5. Check the newspapers for information related or relevant to your topic; see if you can base your essay on it. A look in the newspapers may spark inspiration.
  6. Avoid choosing a topic that is too specific; finding resources for these kinds of essay topics is harder. You’re writing an essay, not a specialist research paper with a dissertation.
  7. Read, read, and read; read more if ideas for topics are still not coming. It could be that you need to learn more about your subject, enough to come up with an essay topic or question. You can read textbooks or essay examples for inspiration.
  8. If your challenge is not that you don’t have a topic but that you have too many, talk it out with people. Tell a friend, colleague, or teacher about your ideas and ask them to help you decide. They can easily tell what topic gets you excited the most; that’s the one.
  9. The problem may also be that you don’t know how to turn your topic into an essay. In that case, try rephrasing the topic or question; you may have phrased it in a way that doesn’t leave room for expression.
  10. If you’re still blank on the best topic for your essay, ask your professor/teacher for help.

Examples of Good Essay Titles

Find below some essay title examples to give you some inspiration.

College Essay Title Examples

  1. Becoming an A student
  2. How you can make new friends
  3. Dealing with procrastination
  4. Perfectionism
  5. Psychological effects of smoking

Creative Titles for Essays

  1. What most teenagers worry about
  2. Music’s influence on a society
  3. Child abuse influences character development
  4. ADHD: how it has changed lives
  5. Obesity in children

Good Titles for Essays

  1. Traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine
  2. Rate of divorce among young couples
  3. How pesticides influence us
  4. Plagiarism
  5. Online retail: advantages and disadvantages

In conclusion, even after having an idea for an essay, deciding on a topic can be difficult. Religiously follow the tips contained in this article to make things easier. On the other hand, you may employ professional help to guide you.